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Detailed-Information-about-Singapore-Corporate-Tax 4 Jun

Information about Singapore Corporate Tax

Guide to Singapore Corporate Tax

Singapore reduces corporate income tax rates and also recommends various tax incentives to attract and keep global investments. It adopts a single-tier territorial based flat-rate corporate income tax system. Having one of the lowest tax rates in the world and the general “business friendliness” of Singapore are two important factors that contribute to the the economic growth and foreign investment in Singapore. This guide will provide you with detailed information about Singapore Corporate Tax and all the tips that you will need.

Single-tier income tax system

Since 2003, Singapore adopts a single-tier corporate income tax system and this system means that there is no double-taxation for stakeholders. All dividends paid by a company to its shareholder will be exempted from taxation as the tax will be paid by a company on its chargeable income. Gains on sale of fixed assets, gains on foreign exchange on capital transactions are example of capital gains and would not be taxed in Singapore.

General tax exemptions and corporate income tax ratess

Headline Tax  Rate

Income  tax rates in Singapore have been declining to make Singapore as an attractive investment destination. Its headline corporate tax rate is a flat 17%.

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However, headline income tax rates does not provide an accurate indication of  effective corporate tax rate due to tax exemptions and incentives,  depreciation rules, etc.

General Tax Incentives

Below are the general tax exemptions/incentives currently available to Singapore tax resident companies. The effective income tax rate will be reduced significantly once these exemptions are applied to the taxable income.

  • 0% tax on S$100K taxable income

For the starting S$100,000, corporate income tax rate is 0% for each of the first three years for a newly incorporated company that meets the following conditions:

    • be tax resident in Singapore (Please see below the tax residency of company)
    • be incorporated in Singapore
    • Have no more than 20 shareholders of which at least one is an individual shareholder holding at least 10% of shares.
    • 8.5% tax of up-to S$300K

Singapore resident companies can apply for partial tax exemptions.

Effective Corporate Tax Rate

These general tax incentives will benefit small-to-midsize companies. Below shows a typical Singapore-resident company with S$2,000,000 annual taxable income.

First three years of tax filings

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After first three years of tax filings

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YA 2016 & YA 2017 – One-off Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rebate

Every Singapore Company will be eligible for a corporate income tax rate, according to the Singapore Budget 2016. For corporate income tax payable for YA2016 & YA2017, companies are able to claim a one-time 50% corporate income tax rebate that is capped at S$20,000 and is beneficial especially for SMEs.

Income tax basis period

Singapore adopts a preceding year basis for the assessment of corporate income. For example, in year 2017, companies have to file for corporate tax return for financial year that ended anytime between January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. This means that the basis period for any Year of Assessment (YA) refers to the financial year ending in the year preceding the YA

Filing due date for income tax

Starting year 2009, income tax filing due date for Singapore companies is November 30.

Form C is a form for a company to declare its income, tax computation is a statement that shows the adjustments to the net profit/loss to show the amount of income that is chargeable to tax. Companies should include the documents above for tax filing and its yearly audited/unaudited accounts. For more information, see annual filing requirements for Singapore companies.

Withholding tax

Under the law, when a payment of a specified nature is made to a non-resident company or individual, a percentage of the payment must be withheld and paid to Income Tax Authorities. Singapore has implemented the law above to ensure the collection of tax payable to non-residents on income generated in Singapore. It does not apply to Singapore resident companies or individual.

Special purpose tax incentives and industry specific

Some industries in Singapore qualify for special purpose income tax incentives and concessionary tax rates offered under the Singapore Income Tax Act. For an overview of these additional tax incentives, refer to industry-specific tax incentives.

Company Tax residence

If the management and control of the business is exercised in Singapore, the company is considered as a tax resident in Singapore. Management and control refer to the making of decision on strategic matters like company policy and strategy. One of the key factors in determining where the management and control is exercised would be the location of the company’s Board of Directors meetings. Another factor that determines where management and control is exercised would be that if the company has an executive director or key management personnel who is plays an important role in decision making based in Singapore.

Singapore tax treaties

The main benefit and objective of an income tax treaty is to prevent businesses from double taxation. This will occur when a company is involved in doing business in both countries. Tax treaty is generally an agreement that specifies how the income earned will be taxed by the authorities of each country.

Singapore has concluded tax treaties with more than 50 countries and these treaties reflect Singapore’s continuous efforts to help businesses to relieve double taxation and to encourage trade and investment opportunities across-boarders.

Singapore has gone a step further in providing unilateral tax credits to Singapore companies starting from 2008. All Singapore companies that earned income from countries that do not have double tax agreement with Singapore; will be allowed a tax credit from their foreign-sourced income from those countries.

Net income vs taxable income

A company’s income can come from gains or profits from any trade, business income from investments such as dividends, interest and rental royalties, premiums and any other profits from property other gains of an income nature.

Income Tax Act of Singapore states that corporate tax will be imposed on the income that is derived from or accruing in Singapore and received in or outside of Singapore.  However, there are certain qualified exemptions commonly known as Exemptions on Foreign Sourced Income.

Net profit/loss alone will not provide an accurate picture of the taxable income due to some of the expenses incurred by the company might not be deductible for tax purposes or some of the income received may not be taxable or taxed separately as a non-trade source income.

Due to the provisions of the Singapore Income Tax Act, certain company’s income may be exempted from tax. For example, general tax exemptions available to all companies, exempt income for certain industries like shipping income derived from a shipping company, foreign-sourced dividends, branch profits & service income received by a resident company that satisfies the qualifying conditions, exemptions on qualified foreign sourced income.

Tax treatment of losses

In summary, a company can deduct allowable expenses against the income for taxation purposes in Singapore. The loss can be carried forward indefinitely if certain conditions are met, however, it must be deducted in the first available year where there is a statutory income. The deduction of the loss will follow the “proceeding year” basis. Losses can be utilized only as long as there is no major change in the shareholding and principal activities.

If the directors manage and control the business and hold board meetings outside Singapore, the company will be considered non-resident in Singapore, even if the lower level operations are taking place in Singapore. A company’s residence may change from year to year depending on the circumstances. A Singapore branch of a foreign company would not be treated as a Singapore tax resident since the control and management is vested with an overseas parent company.

The basis of taxation for a resident company and non-resident company is usually the same but there are certain benefits that are available to resident companies only. These include:

  • A Singapore tax resident company is eligible for income tax exemption scheme available for new start-up companies
  • A Singapore tax resident company can enjoy income tax exemption on foreign branch profits, dividends and serviced income
  • A Singapore tax resident company is entitled to benefits conferred under the Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (DTA) that Singapore has concluded with treaty countries.
  • Please note that the place of incorporation of a company is not necessarily means the tax residence of a company.

If you are interested in engaging a professional firm to help you with your taxe,  please check out our Unaudited Financial Statements Singapore services.

3 Types of Brandmarks to Differentiate Your BrandProduct

Coming up with a thought provoking professional logo design is not the kind of thing anyone will be able to pull off. Especially if you consider that there are three types of brand marks that one have to deal with. Besides, designing a company logo requires a person to select a specific symbol that perfectly represents the company’s core values that the target market can relate to. This is why it is referred to as a brand mark.

There are three very important criteria that one needs to understand with regards to logo design services and the types of brand marks to be used.


Creating a Standard Brandmark

This would involve creating a featured graphic illustration or image that effectively represents any given product, brand or company. The image itself will match the business brand or product directly. These are very popular as they convey the right message about a particular brand, which is especially useful when trying to create a brand awareness with the target audience. The potential to make an impact with a regular brandmark is huge.

Abstract or Symbolic Brandmark

What is truly compelling is using uncomplicated images that are regarded as abstract and places the emphasis on the actual organization being represented by the brandmark. It works well in that it leaves room for a broader interpretation from the viewpoint of the beholder. In essence, the abstract brandmark should be:

– Easy to remember

– Immediately Recognizable

– Offer a crystal clear message even when reduced in terms of size

– Be as illustrative as it possibly can be whether abstract or concrete

-Emblems as a Brandmark

Logo designs services often represent top companies by putting together a unique design in emblem form. One example would be ”Ferrari” They are often utilized to evoke a special feeling with the target consumer as a way to create trust and loyalty.

Various sports brands such as Nike and Adidas also comes to mind over here. Every series or special event gets an emblem created that appears in prominent places to serve as a reminder to fans around the world why they are supporting a particular sports event.


Smart Strategies for Managing Your Cash Flow

Cash flow might seem like a pretty little term to throw around when discussing the specifics of a business, but it’s much more than just that. A cash flow will help you determine where your money is going and whether or not you’re making a profit. While not every business has the same cash flow management techniques, there are certain strategies that just might make it that much easier.

3 Smart Strategies for Managing Your Cash Flow

Set Goals and Objectives – You will spend and make money in the process of running a business, and as early as your brand’s inception, you should already have a plan as to where all of these funds will go. Simply writing down goals might not be enough. It’s ideal to make use of financial projections to help you understand where you should set your limits in terms of budget. How much do you intend to spend on electricity, water, and other utilities? How much wages do your employees get? How do you intend to depreciate the value of your equipment and machinery if you have any? How much will products and services cost for you to be able to make more than just breakeven? These are important factors to consider when projecting your business’ future and setting goals for your money.

Keep a Close Eye on Ins and Outs – Bookkeeping is an important task that should be performed with utmost care. The slightest mistakes in logging down financial occurrences might spell disaster for any business. By keeping track of the cash flowing in and flowing out of your business, you can get a better idea of how much you should have on hand. This makes it easier to keep an eye on profits to make sure that nothing’s missing from what money you should have made.

Don’t Overdo It – The problem many small business owners face is, at the beginning of running a business, they might have more money than they need. This gives them the feeling that they’re free to spend on and buy whatever it is they want. Splurging on expensive offices, an overly populated workforce, and other luxuries can easily eat away at these funds, leaving you with nothing in just a few months time. And because your business is just starting out, you might not be able to make enough to answer for what you lost. As a business owner for a start-up brand or company, it’s ideal to treat your business as such regardless of how much money you have. Avail of only what you can afford and don’t spend more than your projections will allow.

Managing money is one of the hardest aspects of running a business, but if you make use of the right strategies, you might just see success earlier than the rest. Remember, money is a finite resource and you should always do your best to keep as much of it as you can without sacrificing the quality of your goods and services.

Business Services that Will Improve Your Operations

Running a business is no easy task, and that’s why you need to make use of all the available resources and talents to make sure your business runs as smoothly as possible. Trying to get by on DIY functions might lose your business more money than it makes, so it’s best to get the help of professionals to assist you with tasks that you might not be prepared to undertake. These business services may not seem all that necessary to you, but they will guarantee that you will improve your operations for better profits in years to come.

Accounting – Many businesses believe that they don’t need an accountant. This is because business owners think that their rudimentary knowledge on accounting can be enough to keep their business boat afloat. While this might be true for some small start up businesses, the challenges of accounting become much greater when a business grows. Making the smallest mistakes with this can cause great problems for businesses in the future. Hiring an accountant might seem like a big waste of money to some individuals, but accountants aren’t actually as expensive as they’re worked up to be. What’s more, the money you will save from hiring an accountant will be much better than the money you will lose from trying your own hand at accounting work you’re not ready for.
Sales and Lead Generation – The business industry is riddled with other competitors and numerous other brands that are fighting for the spotlight and the attention of the pool of consumers. As a business, one of your main goals should be to reach higher ground and make your way into the consciousness of consumers in order to make a sale. But finding the right clients might not be as easy as it seems. Many businesses fail to reach the right audiences and ultimately find themselves struggling to survive on what little sales they have. that’s why hiring sales and lead generation services can benefit businesses greatly. By employing the expertise of professionals, you can better secure prospects and turn them into sure buyers without wasting too much time or effort. What’s more, sales and lead generation specialist services can be outsourced so you won’t have to worry about paying too high a price.
Bookkeeping – Bookkeeping is an important practice that should never be overlooked. This allows businesses to keep track of their daily, monthly, or annual cash flow in order to understand where money is going. DIY bookkeeping could cost you more money than you make, especially when you make mistakes and errors in the records you keep. A professional bookkeeper is trained to have a keen eye and an attention to detail that’s hard to compete with. These people are usually highly capable of keeping track of records and will ensure that every financial occurrence that happens within operation is up to code. By hiring a bookkeeper, you could save yourself from the potential head aches that come with making bookkeeping mistakes.

Singapore Boosts Ties with Israel

Working with other countries can be quite beneficial, especially if both countries have mutual results that they want to accomplish. This level of support and camaraderie has been seen between Singapore and Israel over the last few months. Together, the countries decided that working with one another would give residents many more opportunities and help both areas to succeed.

Research between the two countries is set to become quite prevalent as the National Research Foundation and the Israel Hebrew University put a deal together in order to create a research center in Singapore. This will help to improve collaborations towards innovation, increase access to scholarships, offer more entrepreneurship opportunities, and improve postdoctoral and postgraduate training opportunities. The program will be named SHARE which stands for the Singapore-Hebrew University Alliance for Research and Enterprise.

Along with the added opportunities available to Singaporean residents and Hebrew nationals, both universities agreed to work together in a deeper sense to improve their research capabilities.

Prime Minister Lee was on a business trip in Israel and was the guest of honor at an event at the Hebrew University where he received an honorary doctorate. This was a gift in return for his leadership, civil reform ideas, and the economic growth that he has brought to his country. During his speech, Prime Minister Lee stated Israel has a variety of different influences on Singaporean culture. First, he touched on the ways Israel had helped to train the Singapore Armed Forces right after they became an independent nation in 1965. He stated that Singapore will always remain grateful for the time that they spent to help develop their army.

For years the two countries have had a relationship that stood far beyond defense and security, particularly in terms of improving technological research. Students have always been able to find different business opportunities between each country with ease. Since 1997, research and development foundation from Singapore and Israel has given 150 projects over $170 million in grants and funds.

Mr Lee also took the time to talk about how renowned the Hebrew University is and how they have produced 8 different winners of the Nobel Prize, and a variety of prime ministers and presidents that are leaders across various industries. He also mentioned how Albert Einstein saw such success in the university that he had visited Singapore to entice them to donate for further education, the country agreeing to provide $300,000 towards their learning.

The main purpose of this innovative center is to help promote a better environment for Israel and Singapore residents to where they have more opportunities to visit each country. With the ample amount of technological opportunities across a variety of industries, the two areas will be able to collaborate to achieve great things. At the end of the day, Israel’s history is something that has always inspired the country of Singapore and they are more than interested in improving relations and offering an ample amount of opportunities for residents of both countries to use to their advantage.

22 May

Singapore’s manufacturing activity improves in March

As much a part of the modern global economy as any other nation in the world (and some would even say a cornerstone as far as business innovation and government friendliness towards business is concerned), it’s nice to see that the manufacturing base in Singapore has improved dramatically in the early quarter of 2016.

Though Singapore has made great leaps forward to try and modernize their workforce, to focus on developing new technology and new innovations that allow people to pursue careers and business opportunities in the “knowledge worker” industries, manufacturing is still a critical backbone of every national economy.
Singapore has been dealing with a little bit of contraction as far as national manufacturing is concerned, which is why its growth in March has been so well received!

New PMI shows a 0.9 increase in 30 days

As we mentioned above, the Singapore economy (at least as far as manufacturing is concerned) has been contracting a bit as of late – receding down to 48.5 Purchasing Managers Index, representing a new low point and a downward trend that had been continuing for nine straight months. However, the new research published regarding the PMI in March shows a 49.4 – the 0.9 increase that we had mentioned above.

Even though a reading that hovers below 50 indicates a manufacturing base that is still contracting (and anything over 50 shows that the manufacturing base is expanding), the new number – 49.4 – is close enough to 50, the neutral position that shows that the manufacturing base is staying steady.

Employment growth is still a relatively stagnant, though it isn’t contracting

Not all is sunshine and roses when it comes to the recent improvement in the manufacturing activity of Singapore, however.

Employment growth in this sector is still relatively stagnant. Manufacturing jobs are opening up but not at the kind of rate that the Singapore government would have liked to have seen by now, though the nine straight months of contraction has definitely played a part in this stagnation.

At the same time, the manufacturing sector isn’t losing jobs – it just isn’t creating as many new positions as economists in Singapore would have liked to have seen by now. This is putting Singaporean a better position than some of the other more manufacturing heavy economies around the world, and shows the Singapore investments in new technology, a new training, and in infrastructure are paying dividends.

It would be nice to see an explosion in growth as far as the manufacturing economy in Singapore is concerned, but that may still be a ways away.
New partnerships with the government of India will go a long way towards improving that economic base, and they are our conferences occurring all throughout Southeast Asia (and the rest of the world) with the express purpose of improving the manufacturing climate for all nations involved.

For the time being, it looks as though the manufacturing industries in Singapore are growing slowly – the only time will tell exactly how long term this turnaround really is.

22 May

Enabling Masterplan: Inclusive push to improve lives

People in Singapore living with disabilities are going to be able to take advantage of a variety of new policies being formulated by the Singapore government, with the national master plan to chart this process out being worked on as we speak.

The third edition of the Enabling Masterplan, this version is going to be a five-year blueprint as it is going to positively impact about 3% of the entire population of Singapore currently living with one variety of disability or another.

The government has always been focused on making sure that their infrastructure and their citizenry has been provided with everything possible to help them meet the challenges and expectations of the modern world, and this new master plan is going to go a long way towards making sure that those living with diabetes aren’t left behind in any way, shape, or form.

The new master plan anticipates exponential growth any amount of people living with disabilities

According to information published by the Singapore government ahead of the release of the new master plan (slated to be released in April 2016), this third version of the Enabling Masterplan is expected to take into account the exponential growth in the amount of people living with disabilities in Singapore as has been anticipated.

It is impossible to really expect or anticipate exactly how many people are going to be living with some kind of disability in the future, but the five year plan does anticipate the 3% rate of the entire population of Singapore living with disabilities to grow considerably over that amount of time.

The established population will get older and older, there are bound to be workforce accidents and injuries that caused disabilities, and though major leaps forward have been made in the world of medicine and research, there are still disability birthrates that are climbing ever higher almost every year.
This third iteration works to elevate levels of inclusion even further

The most important thing to remember about all of these master plans that have been released in the past by the Singapore government is that they have focused on one thing and one thing only – making sure that absolutely NO citizen of Singapore (regardless of their ability or their disabilities) is left behind.
As we mentioned above, the government has always been very heavily invested in the lives of their citizens and their futures.
Regular investments are made to improve the economy, to build out the infrastructure, to connect Singapore to the rest of the world, and to provide each and every citizen with as many advantages in our modern world as humanly possible.

A big push behind this initiative is to make sure that those living with disabilities are able to find some kind of work that allows them to remain gainfully employed, as right now only about one in every 10 citizen living with a disability is able to do so.

It’s very likely that this third iteration of the Enabling Masterplan will go on to be a model for the rest of the international community, as both of the previous versions have gone on to be exactly that.

22 May

Singapore Travel Tips

If you are gearing up for a visit to Singapore you want to be sure that you know exactly what you’re getting into – which is intent all going to be difficult, thanks to all of the incredible travel information available on the Internet these days.

At the same time, we have put together this incredibly simple and straightforward collection of Singapore travel tips that will help you make the very most out of your trip to this nation.

Let’s dive right in!

Prepare yourself to eat, eat, eat!

One of the reasons that world traveler, celebrity chef, and TV show host Anthony Bourdain loves spending as much time in Singapore as humanly possible is because it offers some of the best food and one of the most unique atmospheres on the planet – a perfect combination that will have you dining out at every and any opportunity.

As Anthony is known to say, “New York might be the city that never sleeps, but Singapore is the city that always eats”!

Singapore boasts one of the most perfectly designed airports on the planet
Most people absolutely dread and despise having to spend any amount of time whatsoever in and airport, and do everything in their power to avoid this headache and hassle and to limit their time in an airport as much as possible.

That’s not going to be the case when you fly into the Changi Airport.

Amazing food, fantastic shopping, day rooms that allow you to relax, a free movie theater, smoking lounges, indoor gardens, and a super slide for children and adults are all going to be found in this international airport.

You may want to prepare yourself for the possibility of having to be dragged out of the airport by your traveling companions, something that isn’t going to be said about most other airports around the world!

Make sure that you are braced for the heat

Most people are going to tell you that Singapore is pretty hot all year round – do not expect them to be exaggerating.

Sure, it isn’t quite as oppressive heat wise as say Death Valley or the Sahara desert is, but it isn’t going to be “cool” by any stretch of the imagination.

Take frequent dips in the many pools located around Singapore or splash out into the ocean to cool yourself down whenever you’re feeling a little bit overwhelmed. And no matter what else you do, make sure that you get accommodations with advanced and fully operational air conditioning!

Don’t even think about drugs in Singapore

Though you probably won’t ever even stumble across a handful of Singapore police officers you don’t even want to consider breaking the law, bending the rules, or having ANYTHING whatsoever to do with the drug culture.

This country takes drugs very, very seriously and the penalties here are significant. You’d literally have to the at least a little bit crazy to even think about touching drugs in this country.

At best you’ll end up in prison for quite a while, and at worse you’ll have to deal with caning, public demonstrations of corporal punishment, or even worse!

Just don’t do it.

22 May

How to Find the Best Entrepreneur Networking Group in Singapore

Most professionals are well aware of the beneficial impact that proper networking has on their ability to find new opportunities, uncover new open positions, and establish relationships that allow them to unlock the kind of financial freedom that they’ve always dreamed of.

At the same time, getting started with networking from scratch – right from the very bottom, not knowing absolutely anyone in Singapore – can be a real challenge. This is especially true if this isn’t something that you have a lot of experience with.

Thankfully though, there are a lot of fabulous entrepreneur networking groups in Singapore designed specifically to be as welcoming and as inclusive as possible. You definitely aren’t going to struggle connecting with like-minded and focused professionals just like yourself when you’re in Singapore, especially if you hook up with any of the entrepreneurial networking groups we mentioned below.

Connect with the HUB

Probably the most expansive networking group in the world (with more than 7000 members in 60 different “hubs”), the HUB Singapore group is filled to the brim with young professionals that are looking to establish themselves in the professional business world of Singapore.

Not only that, but local chapters of this group are filled with talent scouts, headhunters, investors, and well-connected members of the business community – providing you with the chance to really expand your professional network in a hurry with some real deal movers and shakers.

Join The Kennel

Similar to the HUB, The Kennel is a slightly smaller group of networking professionals that meet with the intention of building small businesses and startups – but there’s always room for new members and they are always having very frequent meet ups (more frequent even than The HUB).
If you are looking to establish yourself, your business, or your brand, The Kennel has plenty of resources to help you do exactly that. You’ll really be able to hit the ground running when you connect with this Singapore networking group.

See what the SEN is up to

With more than 5000 members already signed up (and with hundreds more being added to the roster on a regular basis), the Singapore Entrepreneurs Network – SEN – is definitely one of the hottest networking groups that you’ll want to be a part of when you’re in this country.

Regularly meeting to discuss potential business prospects and opportunities, marketing and joint venture agreements, licensing and partnering chances and so much more, this is a very business focused group that will help you exponentially increase your odds of creating the financial future you’ve always dreamt of.

Fall in love with Facebook Groups and LinkedIn

Believe it or not, Facebook and LinkedIn can be fantastic resources for those new to Singapore looking to connect with like-minded people that are interested in building their career and helping others do the exact same thing.
You’ll have to dig through many of the different groups to find the very best of the bunch, but this kind of due diligence and research will always pay off in the long term!

Play some golf (or get involved with local activities of some kind)

Golf has always been one of the “international languages” of networking, and people in Singapore take advantage of everything that this amazing sport has to offer just the same as professionals around the world do.

If golf is into your game you’ll be able to connect with professionals in a variety of different local activities, combining your social networking with your professional networking to create some really special opportunities that might not have existed previously.

22 May

Reasons Why Small Businesses Outsource Logistics Services

Small business owners need to pay attention to logistics, the same way that larger company owners do. However, small business owners don’t need to perform logistics work themselves. Instead, they may outsource the task to logistics services and doing so is actually a really good idea.

Most small business owners will really benefit from hiring an experienced and skilled team to deal with logistics issues for them. In fact, it may be one of the keys to helping a business grow!

Today, we’re going to share some reasons why small businesses outsource logistics services…

What is Logistics, Anyway?

Logistics is all about coordinating complicated operations in great detail. It’s designed to boost efficiency in terms of using people, facilities and supplies in order to perform tasks. Planning and execution are the keys to effective logistics for a small business and logistics may range from transporting goods to suppliers at various “point Bs” to running special marketing campaigns (such as in-store demos) and beyond.
Where there’s a viable business, there’s a need for logistics, and no one understands logistics better than logistics specialists. They have unique training and relevant work experience. They are the right people to turn to if you want to enhance logistics at your company.

It Boosts Overall Efficiency

Maximizing and optimizing efficiency is what streamlining logistics is all about! When you outsource, a team of logistics experts will look at the way that your company currently runs and suggest improvements which have the power to make a company more efficient, profitable and professional.

It Takes the Pressure Off

Also, outsourcing this task will give you the power to focus on other things, such as customer care and marketing. Since you wear so many hats, the ability to focus on other things is an important advantage which shouldn’t be underestimated.

Long-terms Benefits May be Enjoyed – Money is what running a business is ultimately all about. You need to stay competitive in order to keep turning a profit and in order to grab more vital market share. When you outsource logistics, the team that you hire will look at how things are run and make improvements, with a mind to helping you steer your company into the future.

How to Find the Right Company

If you’re ready to outsource, you’re definitely making the right decision. However, you should choose your logistics company with care. Look for a firm with a proven track record, an affordable suite of services and a great business reputation. Comparing two or three companies will be the best way to find that one that is right for you.

Once you’ve found the perfect company, reach out to its service representatives. You’ll find that they offer great communication and plenty of welcome guidance. Once you start outsourcing logistics, you may find that the process of running your company is much easier. It’s all about giving logistic tasks to the experts and focusing on things that you’re an expert at. Outsourcing logistics is a perfect way to achieve your company’s potential.

22 May

Reasons Why Small Businesses Outsource Logistics Services

Small business owners need to pay attention to logistics, the same way that larger company owners do. However, small business owners don’t need to perform logistics work themselves. Instead, they may outsource the task to logistics services and doing so is actually a really good idea.

Most small business owners will really benefit from hiring an experienced and skilled team to deal with logistics issues for them. In fact, it may be one of the keys to helping a business grow!

Today, we’re going to share some reasons why small businesses outsource logistics services…

What is Logistics, Anyway?

Logistics is all about coordinating complicated operations in great detail. It’s designed to boost efficiency in terms of using people, facilities and supplies in order to perform tasks. Planning and execution are the keys to effective logistics for a small business and logistics may range from transporting goods to suppliers at various “point Bs” to running special marketing campaigns (such as in-store demos) and beyond.
Where there’s a viable business, there’s a need for logistics, and no one understands logistics better than logistics specialists. They have unique training and relevant work experience. They are the right people to turn to if you want to enhance logistics at your company.

It Boosts Overall Efficiency

Maximizing and optimizing efficiency is what streamlining logistics is all about! When you outsource, a team of logistics experts will look at the way that your company currently runs and suggest improvements which have the power to make a company more efficient, profitable and professional.

It Takes the Pressure Off

Also, outsourcing this task will give you the power to focus on other things, such as customer care and marketing. Since you wear so many hats, the ability to focus on other things is an important advantage which shouldn’t be underestimated.

Long-terms Benefits May be Enjoyed – Money is what running a business is ultimately all about. You need to stay competitive in order to keep turning a profit and in order to grab more vital market share. When you outsource logistics, the team that you hire will look at how things are run and make improvements, with a mind to helping you steer your company into the future.

How to Find the Right Company

If you’re ready to outsource, you’re definitely making the right decision. However, you should choose your logistics company with care. Look for a firm with a proven track record, an affordable suite of services and a great business reputation. Comparing two or three companies will be the best way to find that one that is right for you.

Once you’ve found the perfect company, reach out to its service representatives. You’ll find that they offer great communication and plenty of welcome guidance. Once you start outsourcing logistics, you may find that the process of running your company is much easier. It’s all about giving logistic tasks to the experts and focusing on things that you’re an expert at. Outsourcing logistics is a perfect way to achieve your company’s potential.

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