Category: Namecard Printing

3 Types of Brandmarks to Differentiate Your BrandProduct

Coming up with a thought provoking professional logo design is not the kind of thing anyone will be able to pull off. Especially if you consider that there are three types of brand marks that one have to deal with. Besides, designing a company logo requires a person to select a specific symbol that perfectly represents the company’s core values that the target market can relate to. This is why it is referred to as a brand mark.

There are three very important criteria that one needs to understand with regards to logo design services and the types of brand marks to be used.


Creating a Standard Brandmark

This would involve creating a featured graphic illustration or image that effectively represents any given product, brand or company. The image itself will match the business brand or product directly. These are very popular as they convey the right message about a particular brand, which is especially useful when trying to create a brand awareness with the target audience. The potential to make an impact with a regular brandmark is huge.

Abstract or Symbolic Brandmark

What is truly compelling is using uncomplicated images that are regarded as abstract and places the emphasis on the actual organization being represented by the brandmark. It works well in that it leaves room for a broader interpretation from the viewpoint of the beholder. In essence, the abstract brandmark should be:

– Easy to remember

– Immediately Recognizable

– Offer a crystal clear message even when reduced in terms of size

– Be as illustrative as it possibly can be whether abstract or concrete

-Emblems as a Brandmark

Logo designs services often represent top companies by putting together a unique design in emblem form. One example would be ”Ferrari” They are often utilized to evoke a special feeling with the target consumer as a way to create trust and loyalty.

Various sports brands such as Nike and Adidas also comes to mind over here. Every series or special event gets an emblem created that appears in prominent places to serve as a reminder to fans around the world why they are supporting a particular sports event.


3 Types of Brandmarks to Differentiate Your BrandProduct

Coming up with a thought provoking professional logo design is not the kind of thing anyone will be able to pull off. Especially if you consider that there are three types of brand marks that one have to deal with. Besides, designing a company logo requires a person to select a specific symbol that perfectly represents the company’s core values that the target market can relate to. This is why it is referred to as a brand mark.

There are three very important criteria that one needs to understand with regards to logo design services and the types of brand marks to be used.


Creating a Standard Brandmark

This would involve creating a featured graphic illustration or image that effectively represents any given product, brand or company. The image itself will match the business brand or product directly. These are very popular as they convey the right message about a particular brand, which is especially useful when trying to create a brand awareness with the target audience. The potential to make an impact with a regular brandmark is huge.

Abstract or Symbolic Brandmark

What is truly compelling is using uncomplicated images that are regarded as abstract and places the emphasis on the actual organization being represented by the brandmark. It works well in that it leaves room for a broader interpretation from the viewpoint of the beholder. In essence, the abstract brandmark should be:

– Easy to remember

– Immediately Recognizable

– Offer a crystal clear message even when reduced in terms of size

– Be as illustrative as it possibly can be whether abstract or concrete

-Emblems as a Brandmark

Logo designs services often represent top companies by putting together a unique design in emblem form. One example would be ”Ferrari” They are often utilized to evoke a special feeling with the target consumer as a way to create trust and loyalty.

Various sports brands such as Nike and Adidas also comes to mind over here. Every series or special event gets an emblem created that appears in prominent places to serve as a reminder to fans around the world why they are supporting a particular sports event.


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