Category: Tech

12 Apr

More Singaporeans firms are using online platforms to raise funds

The Internet has helped to completely transform our modern world in more ways than most people can imagine.

It’s almost staggering to realize that the Internet as we know it isn’t even quite 20 years old, and maybe even more staggering that many of the online platforms that we take advantage of every single day weren’t even on our radar five or 10 years ago.

And though the overwhelming majority of the global press focuses on the kinds of online innovations deal with the business world, more and more people are starting to wake up to the social good that the Internet is helping to make possible.

Online communities are pulling together they are resources to change lives for the better

Make no mistake about it the Internet has completely and totally transformed the way that we go about communicating with one another. It has helped (may be more than anything else) to bring all corners of the planet closer together, and a lot of the online platforms out there today are springing up with a social focus in mind.

Groups like GiveAsia and Indiegogo are just some of these online platforms dedicated to helping individuals and organizations from all over the world raise money for different projects and efforts, with many of these initiatives designed specifically to help change lives all over the world.

Singapore in particular has been a major player in utilizing these platforms for social good, with more than 100 different campaigns going up on the social platform Indiegogo in just the last year.

The citizens of Singapore have been able to facilitate close to $240 million in donations for different social campaigns that impact lives all over the world, and a significant amount of that money has gone directly to those that need it most.

Online charitable communities are growing at an exponential rate

The amazing thing about these online charitable efforts is that they are only getting more and more involved on a daily basis.

In 2010, the people of Singapore had supported about 25 local charities through the Give Asia platform. In 2015, then number has grown to 250+ – with organizers expecting 2016 to report close to 400 different local charities being supported on this online initiative.

These charities range from pressing issues that face the global community like cancer research all the way down to smaller campaigns designed specifically to help the people of Singapore pay bills, buy groceries, or climb out of debt – and everything in between.

More and more organizations are getting involved with online platforms designed to raise funds for all kinds of groups and initiatives, and this doesn’t look like it’s going to be a trend that slows down anytime soon.

It will definitely be interesting to see what the shape and culture of the online fundraising is like in 10, 15, or even 20 years. The odds are pretty good that it too will change just as much and as rapidly as everything else on the Internet has – and it could usher in a level of global philanthropy never before seen in human history.

22 Mar

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore holds first multi-sector cyber attack exercise

The Internet has totally transform the way that we go about communicating with one another and interacting with the global community at large, but it has also ushered in new risk factors and potential attacks that require a delicate and well thought out security strategy to counteract.

Singapore (one of the most connected nations on the planet) understands the value of cyber security more than maybe anyone else. And because they live on the leading edge of major technological advances and are consistently upgrading their technology infrastructure, it should come as no shock to anyone that they have been able to come up with innovative and impressive security solutions to cyber security threats.

The established Cyber Security Agency of Singapore has been working around the clock (and will continue to do so) to fight cyber threats to citizens, businesses, and government organizations.

Just recently they have met for the first ever multi sector cyber attack exercise to not only demonstrate just how advanced their cyber security solutions are but also to foster better communication, better relationships, and new innovation in this field as well.

“Cyber Star” shows just how closely together Singapore cyber security agencies are working together

Anyone that has followed the politics behind their own government’s security agencies no doubt understand that there are deep rivalries between most national organizations. Much of that is understandable.

After all, many of the world’s security agencies are involved in overlapping responsibilities, are fighting for a larger piece of the budget pie, and are always taking part in games of one-upsmanship.

The Singapore security agencies do not have these problems.

Each of these security agencies have very clearly defined responsibilities, almost equal portions of the national budget, and are empowered to cooperate with one another rather than pitted against each other disease who can come up with the best results.

This kind of cooperation was on full display with the introduction of the Cyber Star security tests. The CSA (established just one year ago) was able to effectively and efficiently communicate with all other security agencies in the government during this exercise, and took advantage of these opportunities to come up with effective and efficient solutions to the large-scale simulated attacks.

The future of cyber security is bright in the Singapore

More than seven different agencies were represented during this cyber security exercise, and all of them came away from the experience with the same conclusion – the future of cyber security is very bright in Singapore, and this country is poised to join the international community as a leader moving forward against cyber threats.

As touched upon above, the government of Singapore has always been serious about leveraging technological advances, pushing forward with upgraded infrastructure, and utilizing everything that new technology brings to the table.

This is why it should come as no surprise to anyone that pays attention to international news or the international community that Singapore is going to “take point” when it comes to cyber threats, even though they have one of the youngest cyber security agencies on the planet.

8 Mar

Will tech startups play a greater role in Singapore’s future economy?

The Finance Minister of Singapore, Mr. Heng Swee Keat, has been very upfront, very honest, and very open about his belief that the startups in Singapore are going to play a major role in the future of the Singapore economy.

His governmental agency has long been looking into the kind of impact that startups will inevitably have on the local economy as well as the impact that these startups can have on a global scale, and the conclusion that they have come to is that they need to do everything in their power to foster innovation, to support these new startups, and to make sure that they all of the resources they need to grow and contribute to the success of Singapore going forward.

Startups all over the world have the potential to transform their local economy

All of this should come as no surprise to anyone that has been paying attention to how startups impact economies all over the world.

One only has to look at the United States – probably the world’s largest and most fertile hot bed for runaway successful startups – to see the kind of impact that these incredible businesses have the opportunity to produce.

Game changing companies like Microsoft and Apple were startups by the traditional definition 40 years ago, but today companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tesla, eBay, Amazon, and a handful of others are showing that startups can grow very, very rapidly and end up contributing a significant amount to the national economy.

Silicon Valley is the ancestral home of many of the world’s greatest startups, but Southeast Asia is starting to get into the swing of things by fostering their own internationally game changing startups as well.

Singapore is dedicated to getting in on this action as much as possible, with the government really starting to provide tremendous funding, educational opportunities, and other necessary resources to make sure that their “homegrown” startups stay local.

Singapore is serious about fostering innovation at home

The Finance Minister we mentioned above has already recommended to the Prime Minister that the government begin initiating major funding rollouts and resources to the startup community in Singapore just as soon as humanly possible.

The government wants to be sure that they are able to:

• Expedite the growth of startup businesses to create new industries, new markets, and new jobs
• Provide the kind of foundational education and future opportunities to help raise future generations of entrepreneurs, innovators, and startup leaders
• Encourage those that create startups to stay in Singapore rather than take their talent and their businesses to other nations

… And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

The Singapore government is already connecting with startup leaders, entrepreneurs, marketers, and creative thinkers across all walks of life to try and come up with new ways to create the kind of atmosphere and environment that startups need to not only survive but to thrive.

With major economic impacts possible, it’s in the best interest of Singapore to make sure that they keep their homegrown talent in country and give them every opportunity to become as successful – if not more so – here in Singapore than they would have been able to anywhere else!

8 Mar

Will tech startups play a greater role in Singapore’s future economy?

The Finance Minister of Singapore, Mr. Heng Swee Keat, has been very upfront, very honest, and very open about his belief that the startups in Singapore are going to play a major role in the future of the Singapore economy.

His governmental agency has long been looking into the kind of impact that startups will inevitably have on the local economy as well as the impact that these startups can have on a global scale, and the conclusion that they have come to is that they need to do everything in their power to foster innovation, to support these new startups, and to make sure that they all of the resources they need to grow and contribute to the success of Singapore going forward.

Startups all over the world have the potential to transform their local economy

All of this should come as no surprise to anyone that has been paying attention to how startups impact economies all over the world.

One only has to look at the United States – probably the world’s largest and most fertile hot bed for runaway successful startups – to see the kind of impact that these incredible businesses have the opportunity to produce.

Game changing companies like Microsoft and Apple were startups by the traditional definition 40 years ago, but today companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tesla, eBay, Amazon, and a handful of others are showing that startups can grow very, very rapidly and end up contributing a significant amount to the national economy.

Silicon Valley is the ancestral home of many of the world’s greatest startups, but Southeast Asia is starting to get into the swing of things by fostering their own internationally game changing startups as well.

Singapore is dedicated to getting in on this action as much as possible, with the government really starting to provide tremendous funding, educational opportunities, and other necessary resources to make sure that their “homegrown” startups stay local.

Singapore is serious about fostering innovation at home

The Finance Minister we mentioned above has already recommended to the Prime Minister that the government begin initiating major funding rollouts and resources to the startup community in Singapore just as soon as humanly possible.

The government wants to be sure that they are able to:

• Expedite the growth of startup businesses to create new industries, new markets, and new jobs
• Provide the kind of foundational education and future opportunities to help raise future generations of entrepreneurs, innovators, and startup leaders
• Encourage those that create startups to stay in Singapore rather than take their talent and their businesses to other nations

… And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

The Singapore government is already connecting with startup leaders, entrepreneurs, marketers, and creative thinkers across all walks of life to try and come up with new ways to create the kind of atmosphere and environment that startups need to not only survive but to thrive.

With major economic impacts possible, it’s in the best interest of Singapore to make sure that they keep their homegrown talent in country and give them every opportunity to become as successful – if not more so – here in Singapore than they would have been able to anywhere else!

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