Want to choose your preferred UEN (Unique Entity Number)?
There are 2 tiers to choose from:
Free Trial
Consecutive same number
Any number combination involving ‘8’
Tier 2
Repetitive Pattern (excluding ‘8’)
Ending with triple identical number
*Note: The price is on top of the incorporation package.
*Note: This is optional.
[table id=73 /]
*Note: Please note that the underline refers to UEN prefix and suffix which are system-generated and cannot be customised.
Before purchasing SUN, you are advised to read the Terms & Conditions.
Terms & Conditions
- A Special UEN is system-generated and cannot be amended or otherwise customised by an applicant. An applicant may select only one Special UEN for each business entity.
- Upon successful payment of the fee for the Special UEN, it will be issued for the applicant’s business entity. iv. Any fee that is paid for a Special UEN is not refundable.
- Special UEN that is issued cannot be transferred by a person to any other business entity, and cannot be exchanged with any other Special UEN whether issued or not.
- ACRA reserves the right to withdraw a Special UEN that is reserved or issued for a business entity, if for any reason the same Special UEN has already been reserved or issued for another business entity due to any reason including a system error. In this event, the applicant of the first business entity may select a new Special UEN.
- ACRA may vary these terms and conditions at any time without notice.